Weight Loss (wk 1-6): Journal


Weight Loss (wk 1-6): Journal


Write a journal of Weight loss starting from the first week to the sixth

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As I embark on this exercise I realize that the hardest part will be he behavioral change. Looking at my eating habits I realize that there needs to be a major change in my eating habits. Being the first day it was hard to slip out of my old habits as such I forgot to take my breakfast again. I realize that this is the most important meal of the day and it gives me the energy push I need as well.  I am glad that I purposely avoided soda however I did have a diet soda with my lunch which is just as bad. I realize that dropping soda cold turkey will be a little difficult so I plan to wean myself off soda via diet soda. I had my dinner at the usual time which according to the plan is a little too late.

Word Count: 6 pages (Week 1 -6)