When Culture Doesn’t Translate?


When Culture Doesn’t Translate?


Write a critique paper on the article: When Culture Doesn’t Translate?

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Meyer uses a small sample of companies and managers to get views, which he uses to support many of his assertions in the article. It is, however, worth mentioning that these companies are drawn from different parts of the world, including the U.S, Thailand, China, Mexico and Indonesia, among others. Arguably, this comprises a representative sample. Employees and business leaders form the respective countries give their views regarding the intertwining of culture and communication within a globalized marketplace and workplace (Brimm, 2016). In view of the initial propositions that the author makes, it is noteworthy that the implicit sample is appropriate in the context of the goals of the author. However, perhaps the author would have created a more compelling article if he had clearly outlined the sample size, and how it had been obtained. On the same note, all the information that the writer obtains from the people and organizations is qualitative. It is in form of statements and opinions, which the author has quoted frequently throughout the article.

Word Count: 1200