Whether students should wear school uniforms


Whether students should wear school uniforms


Write a persuasive essay on whether students should wear school uniforms.

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One of the unique features of schools worldwide is the wearing of uniforms. Students enroll in schools and get the necessary details to obtain a form of dressing that looks the same for all learners. Today, it is the typical image that every person sees every early morning and evening as they walk to school or in the evening after school hours. However, the idea of wearing uniforms is not acceptable for all students and parents. While some have, good reasons to support its continuity many others refute the idea and would like students to be free to wear any clothes to school. The debate has stayed long overdue with various people taking sides in the topic. In this regard, the discussion herein will support that idea of school uniforms and will explain the reasons behind this noble protocol in schools and its significance for the young generation today and the future.

Word count: 2141