Whole Foods


Whole Foods


Write an essay on Whole Foods in 3 pages using APA format.

  1. How much could benefits like those offered by Whole Foods be to you if you were working there to put yourself through school or to collect a paycheck while looking for a position in your chosen field.
  2. What negative elements do you see to Whole Foods pay and benefits
  3. Why don’t most companies use the approach to employee health care pioneered by Whole Foods

Answer preview

Working in a company that offers benefits of this nature has always been one of the biggest dreams ever. This is a company that has resorted to making sure that they release the burden of the most urgent and also one of the most expensive needs from the employee and opt to take it upon themselves. For someone like me, I would really love it so much because I am really touched by someone who opts to resolve something to do with medical care. I am more attached towards making sure that we have a system that ensures that all the employees rely on the best medical scheme that could be available (Lefebvre & Leroy, 2014).

Word count: 908