Why and How Do Managers Motivate Employees


Why and How Do Managers Motivate Employees


We have already written a Dissertation Proposal for the title: “What motivates employees? A quantitative study of Chinese and UK cultures in the workplace of SMEs.”

The Proposal has received feedback and is attached in the other file.

We now need to continue with this and write the Literature Review and Methodology sections.

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Whilst a breadth of researches addressed the concept of motivation from the perspective of monetary factors (Zameer et al., 2014), and that some researchers have suggested theories to explain the concept of monetary motivation, some of the theories are still relevant to the contemporary SMEs’ organizational settings (Yeh-Yun and Liu, 2012). According to Zameer et al. (2014), the wide range of motivation theories provides different approaches to the sources or origin of motivation. Motivation studies draw from a large base of theoretical outlooks. However, the theories differ in terms of their influence in explaining different motivation factors.

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