Why Arguments against Gun Control Are Wrong


Why Arguments against Gun Control Are Wrong


Please be sure to review the research essay assignment and rubric below before you complete the discussion board.  This is the assignment that you will spend the rest of the course working on!

ENG 122 research essay assignment.docx

research writing rubric(1).doc

By Wednesday at 11:59 PM, post a brief account of your topic, your working thesis, and the four major points that you will research to prove your point.  Keep in mind that this is a working thesis and WILL change as you dig further into your research. The research paper assignment is attached to the link to this discussion board in the Week 10 folder so that you can check that your ideas are in line with the goals of the paper.

Then, by Sunday at 11:59 PM, respond to at least THREE (three, not two!) of your peers with more than words of encouragement or agreement that their topic is fantastic.  You should push them to consider sources that you know about, possible areas that their proposal does not mention, or any errors in logic that may trip up their thesis.  Keep in mind the Thesis Video from Week 1 and let your classmates know if you believe that their essay is both provable and needs to be proven.

Please remember to view the rubric that will be used to assess your discussion board participation found in the instruction section above.

Answer Preview 

The second wrong argument is the claim that gun control will not work. Many believe that gun control will not reduce deaths. The same proponents also say that people are the problem and not the guns, and they will still harm others without guns. Lastly, others argue that there is no need for gun control because they actually need these guns for protection against criminals. These and more are the points I intend to prove in my research to prove that the arguments against gun control are totally wrong.

Word Count: 300