Why Levels of Entrepreneurship Vary Between Countries


Why Levels of Entrepreneurship Vary Between Countries

Assignment Guideline

  • Essay questions must be evaluated using Theory as a lens for concept evaluation – possibly look at 2 – 3 theoretical views (Questions A& B).
  • For all three questions – the minimum requirement for a pass will be 10 journal publications, 5 textbooks, and as many web sources as possible.
  • The essay must show these sections:
    • An Abstract – aim of the study, the theoretical views, findings, and implications (150 words)
    • Introduction (aim and objective of the essay; the introduction of theories; introduction of the methods adopted and why choose the method)
    • Literature Review & Evaluation of the concepts
    • Subsections to discuss and evaluate key issues

Discussion, a summary of key findings, conclusion, Implications, and limitations of the study

Answer Preview 

This paper provides a critical analysis of the question of why entrepreneurial level varies between countries. The analysis involves a review of relevant literature and theories explaining the concept of entrepreneurship from a multifaceted perspective. A review of Isenberg’s Entrepreneurship Framework reveals that the nature and type of environment in which an entrepreneurial venture exists determine how successful it becomes. The underlying ecosystem elements vary between countries, implying a variation in the level of entrepreneurial activity. Hofstede’s cultural dimensions show that cultural values and perspectives of entrepreneurship can promote or discourage the activity. The findings of this present significant policy implications for policymakers in the industry to take cultural values into account when formulating an entrepreneurship ecosystem. The policies should foster the creation of important connections with necessary elements to allow entrepreneurs to leverage opportunities.

Word Count: 3200