Pope Francis Chose St. Francis for Center Laudato Si’


Why Pope Francis Chose St. Francis as the figure to Center Laudato Si’


Answer the following question using only the sources we have read so far in class: Why does Pope Francis choose St. Francis as the figure on which to center Laudato Si’?

Basic Requirements:

  • 2-3 pages long (this means a full two pages is the minimum. Anything less than this will result in a significant drop in your grade)
  • Double-Spaced
  • Uses Times New Roman or Garamond 12-point font
  • (Basically, don’t fiddle with the settings to try to make it longer!)
  • Citations should be parenthetical citations. Laudato Si’is formatted into sections so your reference should include the work’s title and that section number – ex. (Laudato Si’, 3). For the Canticle of the Sun, just put the title in parentheses, and for Bonaventure’s Life of St. Francis, give the author and page number – ex. (Bonaventure, 277)

Major Requirements:

  • Your response should include discussion and citations of both Laudato Si’ and Bonaventure’s Life of St. Francis. Discussion of the Canticle of the Sun is optional, but may well be helpful.
  • You should choose a particular angle or argument from which to answer the question. Make sure that your paper is cohesive, not a haphazard collection of evidence.
  • Your focus should be on analysis rather than summary. Provide evidence from our sources, but use the majority of your paper to discuss what that evidence means and how you understand it. A lengthy summary of who Francis is and what he did during his life would be a very poor use of your response.

Answer preview

Pope Francis writings and prayers are largely influenced by his common substantial appeal to embrace and grow his epitome of carrying for environmental sustainability. Several readings have proved, particularly the famous Laudato Si, indicate fairly indicate that the current Pope is majorly influenced by the leadership styles and values that St. Francis of Assisi followed. Predominantly, it is logical to argue that Pope Francis considered St. Francis as a figure of whose value is more than a name to him. In actual sense, encyclical letter clearly indicate that the motive of using St. Francis’s language in following his guidance and zest to improve life of both man-to-man and environmental relations prompted Pope Francis to use him as a figure centered to Laudato Si.

Word count: 920