Why seeking out items of your favorite color is a coping mechanism


Why seeking out items of your favorite color is a coping mechanism


Write a short 2-3 page paper presenting the archetypal meanings of colors and their symbolization in art therapy, what is your favorite color? Why?  Analyze and explain why seeking out items of your favorite color is a coping mechanism. Be sure to use resources from this week’s readings and resources.  Be sure your paper is in proper APA format including reference and cover pages.

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Psychologically, people make conscious or unconscious choices about colors and in the end, it shows the state that their mind is in. This also goes the same way; seeking out favorite colors is a way of coping with situations in life. This is because colors have a certain way to make one relaxed or agitated. Psychologists explain that behavior is triggered by color and it is all part of color psychology. Studies that were carried out in the 1970s showed that the best color to use in kindergartens was the color pink as it had a calming effect on the children (Mcleod, (2012).

Word count: 374