Wide Advertising


Wide Advertising


On Super Bowl Sunday advertisers will spend up $5 million or more for 30 seconds of advertising time. The TV ads reach over 100 million viewers, internationally.
Considering last week’s assignment and this week’s reading and videos, in at least 200 words describe why advertisers still spend that much money for such a wide, but huge, audience. What is your opinion of this and why? Plus, cite from at least one article that relates to the benefits companies receive (if any) from Super Bowl advertising. The article can be for or against your educated opinion.

Answer preview

Advertisers spent a considerably large amount of money on general advertising to a wide audience in the hope that they will be able to communicate their presence to the general market. While the organization might have their target market, the specific target market fall within the larger general group of people. Popular events like the super bowl have a well-known large audience and commonly attract individuals of different categories. The main attraction to marketing in these events remains the capability to reach the large audience which might include individuals falling within the target market for the organization.

Word count: 232