Wild Wood Apartment


Wild Wood Apartment


Write a Management Report about Wild Wood Apartment. The report should be 3 pages long in APA format.

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Issues with the current system

Several issues emerge from the current system in use at wild wood apartments, which is manual:

  1. The apartment manager manually records the data, which is not verifiable by the management. The long-term rental history for the apartments is unobtainable.
  2. The current system has not established a strict adherence of the rent payment; they lack a strict definition of ‘late rent’ and the approved grounds for penalties.
  3. The management lacks a strict process of when to enforce eviction, or start the legal process of eviction.
  4. If forms were created to enter data, it would be easier to collect more data and report more information from the data, in reference to income, expenses, and net profits.

Word count: 576