Williams vs. Edison Electronics Co.
FACTS: Pick out the relevant facts. Tell what happened. This should be about four sentences. Who?
What? Where? When?
ISSUE: What is the question that the case is asking?
RULE: What rule of law comes from this case? This is usually an answer to the question in the issue.
APPLICATION: Why was the case decided this particular way? Was it the facts? Was it a case that came
before it?
Answer preview
According to the case, Williams worked as a management analyst for Edison Electronics. While executing his allocated tasks as a management analyst, he experienced heart that compelled him to take medical leave from his work. After six months, it is clear from the case that Williams was able to go back to the job, but on a part-time basis, and he worked for fewer hours in the subsequent year. In addition to this, the business organization he was working for faced dropping revenues, and decided to lay off some of the employees so as to lower operational costs.
Word count: 329