Wireless Area Networks


Wireless Area Networks


You have been tasked with expanding your company’s wireless network. Your IT manager asked you to create a presentation that explains wireless routers and their functions. She specifically said to focus on the 802.11g and 802.11n wireless network standards. Create a brief but informative PowerPoint presentation that includes comparisons of these two technologies. You may include images of actual wireless bridges from vendor websites as needed, being sure to cite your sources. Include any up to date prices from your research as well.

Answer preview

802.11 is a set of standards established by the institute of electrical and electronic engineers (IEEE)

They are media access control specifications regulating wireless area network (WLAN) communications in different frequency bands

Base version was released in 1997 and has been continuous amendments resulting in different versions of of 802.11

802.11a,802.11b,802.11g and 802.11n  the widely known of 802.11 are versions

The latest update of 802.11 standard was done  on December 2016 and it can allow speed of  up to 20gigbit/sec

Slide count: 6