WISC-V Interpretation


WISC-V Interpretation


Please write a 3-4 page paper that analyzes an instrument (e.g., WISC-V, WIAT-III, Rorschach, TAT) according to cultural and ethical considerations.
In your paper, be sure to do the following:

Content requirements:

  • Define the construct the assessment measures.
  • Describe the purposes for which the assessment can be used.
  • Discuss the standardization process for the assessment (e.g., standardization sample and norms).
  • Define validity and the meaning of test scores.
  • Define reliability and measurement error.
  • Explain how culture impacts the reliability and validity of the measure. Give specific examples to illustrate your points.
  • Describe the ethical principles and/or ethical standards that one should consider when using this measure with individuals of varying cultures.
  • Use at least three outside, scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook.

Answer preview

This is for a single primary index. The total number of subtests for WISC-V is 21, and it gives 15 composite scores. The test format of WISC-V takes various factors into consideration, and in some instances, overlaps have been known to occur. For instance, subjects aged 16 years can either complete WAIS-IV or WISC-V (Beal, 2016). The different tests can yield different ceiling effects and floor effects. This gives a more comprehensive understanding of the shortcomings and abilities of specific children.

Word count: 875

Slide count: 10