Women Entrepreneurship in Asia


Women Entrepreneurship in Asia


Your summative assessment will take the form of a 1,500-word research proposal and a 10,000-word
research dissertation. The research dissertation will also include an additional 1,000-word executive

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There is an evident increase and growth in entrepreneurship as an economic activity across the world. The increasing wave of globalisation pressures men and women to engage in business for financial freedom. Women-owned enterprises also increase at a significant rate in many Asian countries such as Malaysia, Viet Nam, Thailand and Indonesia. Evidence shows that entrepreneurial opportunities are critical for women economic welfare as they help in reducing poverty levels. With increasing wave of globalisation, people are concurrently realizing the potential of entrepreneurship as a sustainable means to economic development and poverty extermination. As with other parts of the world, Asian women face both significant challenges and opportunities in pursuit for involvement in entrepreneurial activities. Ideally, the ability of men and women entrepreneurial activities  is dependent on  different influences, which can act as pull or push factor; including  education and technical training, perceived financial constraints, human capital, sociocultural and religious restraints, and government policies targeting women entrepreneurship.

Word count: 12282