Women’s career advancement – Work-life issues and cultural expectations: Literature Review paper


Women’s career advancement – Work-life issues and cultural expectations: Literature Review paper


Write a literature review on Women’s career advancement – Work-life issues and cultural expectations

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Human-Capital Theory

The human-capital theory explains the disadvantages and advantages of diverse employment. According to this theory, the personal income of individuals varies depending on the human capital invested in them, including education and training (Goodman, Fields, and Blum, 2003). Human capital grows depending on the activity deemed important to enhance the productivity of an individual worker (Goodman, Fields and Blum, 2003, p.493). Full-time education is considered the main example of human capital as it involves direct costs of creating possible income streams in the future.

The impact of human-capital theory on women’s careers can be explained from the perspective of the gender wage gap. Because human capital theory provides a rational explanation of the role of training on one’s earnings, the level to which one acquires education and training, the more they accumulate human capital; and so, more earnings (Ballout, 2007). According to McArdle et al. (2007), however, the incentives of seeking more human capital are contingent on one’s expectations to work.

Word Count: 3900