Work Performance


Work Performance


Question 1

This question involves writing career goals. First, write at least three five-year goals toward your career by using the guidelines within the SMART method. Remember, the SMART method involves making the goal specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and establish a time to achieve it. Second, identify the type of job, the job’s title, the location (i.e., city), and the company. Then, briefly explain why these three goals are important to you.

Your explanation must be at least 100 words.

Question 2

This question involves using your critical-thinking skills to describe the impact of time management in the workplace. Managing our time effectively in the workplace is very important. We all have a job to do, and we must be very timely while completing our tasks. Most of the time, we work with others or for clients, and they depend on us to complete the work. And, that is why using time-management techniques is beneficial to us. For this question, write a brief essay that describes what is likely to result from two instances within a workplace: (a) using time-management techniques and (b) not using time-management techniques. Within the brief essay, include workplace examples to support your message.

Your response must be at least 250 words in length.

Question 3

This question involves evaluating how attitude, personality, and goal setting impact work performance. Attitudes can be both good and bad, personalities can vary greatly, and goal setting is a technique that some use and some do not. For this question, write a brief essay that describes how attitude, personality, and goal setting can impact one worker’s performance. Include workplace examples to support your brief essay.

Your response must be at least 250 words in length.

Question 4

Second, how would you describe your personality within a work environment? Also, knowing that not all personalities are compatible, what is something that you could do to proactively attempt to work with a colleague who has a personality that is incompatible with your own?

Your response must be at least 250 words in length.

Question 5

Chapter 6 describes the idea of accountability, and being accountable is critical today more than ever. Accountability can have both a positive and negative effect on workplace relationships. Let’s use this discussion as an opportunity to discuss how we can use techniques to maintain positive accountability. What techniques can you use (or currently use) to hold yourself accountable? What techniques can you use to hold others accountable for their actions? Also, how do these accountability techniques impact workplace relationships?

Your response must be at least 250 words in length.

Question 6

This question involves an explanation of ethical behavior in the workplace. Explain what it means to demonstrate positive ethical behavior in the workplace. Include examples to support your explanation.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Question 7

This question involves techniques for both accountability and also workplace relationships. Accountability and workplace relationships tend to go hand in hand—one usually involves the other. For this question, briefly describe two techniques you can use to hold yourself accountable toward meeting professional goals. Also, briefly describe two techniques for maintaining positive relationships in a workplace. Within your descriptions, include examples of how you would use the techniques in a workplace.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Question 8

Control structures are very important as they allow the flow of a program’s execution. Of the three control structures, which do you think is the most important? Defend your answer.

Your response must be at least 250 words in length.

Question 9

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using flowcharts. Which would you prefer to use and why:

flowcharts or pseudocode? Also, discuss the following:

For pseudocode to be used as a planning tool, what type of ideal circumstances would need to exist?

Your response must be at least 250 words in length.

Question 10

Explain the purpose of the sequence, selection, and repetition structures.

Your response should be at least 100 words in length.

Question 11

In your own words, explain why algorithms are necessary. Include an example of a daily task which requires following a set of instructions. Be sure to describe the set of instructions (i.e., an algorithm).

Your response should be at least 75 words in length.

Question 12

In your own words, briefly explain the purpose of the loop or iteration structure. Then, provide an original example algorithm with the loop or iteration structure (excluding examples provided in the textbook).

Your response should be at least 75 words in length.

Question 13

This question provides you with an opportunity to examine an algorithm, identify the inaccuracies in the algorithm, and finally, to modify the algorithm with the correct details.

Open the attached ‘Evaluation 1’ Microsoft Word document containing an algorithm. Open this document, review the algorithm, identify the inaccuracies, insert the corrections, save the document, and submit the document for grading.

Question 14

This question provides you with an opportunity to examine an algorithm, identify the inaccuracies in the algorithm, and finally, to modify the algorithm with the correct details.

Open the attached ‘Evaluation 2’ Microsoft Word document containing algorithms. Open this document, review the algorithm, identify the inaccuracies, insert the corrections, save the document, and submit the document for grading.

Answer preview

Time management is an important aspect from a personal or career perspective. Time is a limited resource, thus proper management especially at the workplace is of great importance. Proper time management includes planning and scheduling activities as well as delegating the same to individuals. This way, services and products are delivered efficiently to clients who in the end become satisfied with their interactions. The ripple effects of proper time management include stress reduction, elimination of burnout and use of standard procedures and techniques to conduct various activities at the workplace.

On the other hand, failure to manage time properly at the workplace has numerous negative effects. These include overworking of some employees, failure to deliver services and products on time, delivery of inefficient ad low quality services and products, dissatisfied clients and ultimate loss of business. In extreme cases, businesses may close due to loss of clients.

Word count: 2398