Work Related and non-work related stressors


Work Related and non-work related stressors


In this chapter, we highlighted work-related stressors such as harassment and incivility, workload, and lack of task control. Of course, there are many non-work-related stressors that increasingly come into the discussion. Please discuss work and non-work related stressors and discuss their impact on the work environment.

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A stressor is an employee related agent that leads to a stressing point under which an employee will not be capable to execute their duties. There are two types of stressors which include work related and non-work related stressors. The first work related stressor that that comes in mind is the issue of workload. It is important to note that while at work and there is a lot of pressure that comes in as a result of too much work being in existence. When one is having a so called a bad day, it is usually because there is so much work that they have been assigned to by the office. It is already at this point that they have so much pressure (McShane et al, 1992).

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