Workplace Conflict (A Case of a Printing Company)


Workplace Conflict (A Case of a Printing Company)


Write a five-page paper that allows you to thoughtfully work through an Human Resource opportunity or issue. Provide a clear statement of the opportunity or issue that you have work on, or know someone who have work on the issues. Clearly articulate the situation (Tell the Story). State your assumptions and the facts that have led you to your position on this issue. After you have fully described your position and the basis for it, describe the perspectives of three other stakeholders (customers, coworkers, senior management, etc.). Attempt to identify their assumptions and their perspectives on the problem. Next, explain your potential solution/solutions to solve the problem. It may be helpful to articulate the reasons you chose those solutions and the advantages and disadvantages of your chosen strategies. Prioritize and make final recommendations for moving closer to the desired state if needed. You should use two-to-five sources from scholarly articles/ journals to support your reasoning or position. (Remember that reliable scholarly articles and journals usually have more than 8 pages.)
1) Paper must include an introduction, body, conclusion.
2) Paper need to be in APA format
Make sure you concentrate on 1 policy/ procedure only
1375 words

Answer preview

Business leaders have the mandate to deal with different challenges as they work through achieving the organization goals. Although the challenges may vary from one organization to another, it remains hardly true to argue that some of the businesses prevail without having to face some form of struggle at some point. Generally, some of the challenges business managers have to deal with emanate internal, with major ones relating to human resources (HR). Huge business organizations have, at one point, find ways to deal with workplace conflict among some employees (Chaudhry & Asif, 2015). Corporations have the mandate to search talents and expertise from a large market pool, which could be locally or internationally. The search for broad spectrum of expertise and talents leads to putting together employees with great diversity, including gender, cultural, nationality origin, race, and age, attributes that can cause a major workplace conflict among the employees.

Word count: 1562