Writing Learning Objectives Using Bloom’s Taxonomy


Writing Learning Objectives Using Bloom’s Taxonomy


Write a discussion paper on writing Learning Objectives Using Bloom’s Taxonomy

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Learning objectives refers to the statements that define the anticipated goals of a curriculum, course, topic, sub-topic, an activity or a lesson to demonstrate skills or knowledge achieved by a student at the of the learning process. The trainees are supposed to learn how to write excellent and striking objectives. To achieve this, the learning objectives can be written using Bloom’s Taxonomy. Dr Benjamin Bloom, a great psychologist, came up with the taxonomy in 1956. His aim of coming up with the Bloom’s taxonomy was to advance standards of thinking in learning through analyzing and evaluation concepts, processes, procedures and principals, instead of remembering facts. Cognitive, affection and psychomotor are the three levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Remember, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creation are the six domains of Bloom’s Taxonomy (Diab, & Sartawi, 2017).

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