Xiaomi Portfolio Analysis


Xiaomi Portfolio Analysis


Managing Innovation is a 100 percent coursework module. The assignment is a group
assignment. You are free to form your own groups of five students, with whom you will also
do the coursework for the other Term 3 core module.

The main aim of the assignment is for you to analyze how a large corporation of your choice
manages innovation.

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The exploitation strategy appears to be working well for the giant technology firm considering that companies such as Apple have the indelible mark in the industry. Therefore, developing its products based on the technological platform of other companies appears to be a new-found dimension that the company is using to pursue its growth objectives. Therefore, this innovative strategy has been beneficial to this firm in the following ways. According to Zhang et al. (2016), innovation requires a collaborative and open culture for a firm to make a significant stride. Therefore, Xiaomi relies on already existing products to add exciting features on its products. Therefore, by collaborating with Google, Xiaomi reaps massively from the popularity of Android as it blends it with MIUI (Digital Initiative, 2018). Secondly, it allows Xiaomi to redefine its existing capabilities and portfolios. It would be essential to note that had the firm decided to explore its operating systems; it would have taken longer to come up with an authentic product that could be appealing to its customers (Andriopoulos and Lewis, 2009).

Word Count: 1200