Yes Climbing Gear : Brand Plan


Yes Climbing Gear: Brand Plan


The purpose of this assignment is to assess students’ Knowledge of
Discipline Theory, Models and Concepts and Proficiency in their Application and their
Knowledge and skill specialization within Discipline

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Positioning strategy is a measured branding process or plan that is based on the symbolic degrees of consumer awareness, where levels of associations and meaning play a major role. A positioning strategy is based on data and seeks to establish a clear chain a words that defines the concepts of brand differentiation, distinction and resemblance in a single brand narrative (Srivastava, 2009).

A positioning strategy further attempts to strengthen a company’s identity, products and services in a distinctive way, within the mindset of the target audience(Fuchs & Diamantopoulos, 2010). In this case, YES sporting gear seeks to set itself as a brand with a great influence following its influence on the users.

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