YMCA Goderich-Huron vs Rotary Cove Beach – A Revenue Loss Case


YMCA Goderich-Huron vs Rotary Cove Beach – A Revenue Loss Case


Write a report paper on YMCA Goderich-Huron vs Rotary Cove Beach – A Revenue Loss Case

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Analysis of the Cove Beach Situation

First, the rivals’ target audiences are majorly the adult crowd providing both an opportunity and suffering for Cove Beach. The overall industry seems more family-oriented, and therefore Cove is less directly hindered even though the adult nightlife is more of a profitable success factor for the entire sector providing a potential threat for the Beach. Second, the significant problem is concerning Thompson’s accessibility and the establishment of finance and capital for the Beach. The best option for the particular Rotary Cove Beach case would permit Thompson to emphasize more on different parts of the YMCA to establish the most appropriate option for the current situation of the Beach. Additionally, the situation requires an alternative that would decrease over-reliance on grants to income generation to the sunny shore.

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