Young African entrepreneur going global and the challenges they face


Young African entrepreneur going global and the challenges they face


Write a 40-page dissertation about the challenges a young African entrepreneur faces when going global.

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As globalization continues to blue national and regional boundaries, the instances of people living, studying and doing business in countries and regions that are not their indigenous homes continue to rise (Alli, Winter & May 2011). It is easier for people to move from one continent or country to another for various reasons. One of the reasons people move from their home countries to others is education.  The pursuit of education has resulted in people attending institutions of higher learning in foreign countries. The commonest form of movement with regard to education is characterized by people from developing countries and former colonies moving to the western economies to study in colleges and universities in the destination countries. More specifically, students from African and Asian countries comprise the highest population of foreign students in the western countries such as the United Kingdom and the US. When the students complete their studies, some of them move back to their home countries and obtain socioeconomic opportunities.

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