Youth Crime is out of Control in the Contemporary Australia


Youth Crime is out of Control in the Contemporary Australia


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Youth crime is a highly contentious topic in Australia evident through many incidences of violent carjacking, aggravated burglaries and house invasions by the youth. Both Australians and other immigrant youths perpetrate crimes. Australia youths were the highest in number (451), followed by Immigrants from New Zealand (16) of the arrests made in 2016 (Farnsworth and Wright, 2016). Additionally, according to Victorian Crime Statistics home invasion (committed by the youth of 10-18 years) was still the leading crime and the rate had doubled from 2012. More worryingly, immigrant youths are considered a rising threat to Australian society. The Federal Government is wary of the situation and in 2016; it canceled the visas of 172 convicted youthful criminals connected with high-profile crimes (Farnsworth and Wright, 2016). For instance, Sudanese-born youths lead the percentage of crimes in the country. In 2016, the state reported 7.44%, 5.65% and 13.9% of home invasions, car thefts and robberies, respectively from these youths (Farnsworth and Wright, 2016). It would be interesting to note that society generally contributes to the rise of youth offenders.

Word Count: 2800