Youth Suicide in Rural Western Australia


Youth Suicide in Rural Western Australia


Discuss and analyze two competing theoretical accounts of the social issue you have chosen.

The Research Report should be 1700 words in length, +/- 10%

The Oral Presentation should include a PowerPoint presentation.

Answer Preview

According to Durkheim (2005), individuals may resort to suicide when they are exposed to adverse conditions and have no supportive social circumstances to help them to overcome their feelings of despondency. Durkheim’s theory on suicide also contends that if individuals are not accorded the requisite sources that facilitate regulation and attachment, then their morale and psychological health are impaired. According to Durkheim (2005), egoistic suicide is usually committed by individuals who feel abandoned by their social group, or who do not have bonds that sustain themselves as members of a given society.

Word Count: 1800