Zhao Methodology


Zhao Methodology


We recently wrote a literature review for the dissertation titled “Factors Affecting Attitude and Purchase Intent of Chinese International Students in the UK”

We have written a part of the methodology and now:
1. The teacher has made comments on the part of the methodology. See attached.
2. We need to write more and make it 2200words total

Answer preview 

In order to investigate the factors that affect attitude and the intent to purchase luxury fashion products among the Chinese international students in the UK, the researcher sought both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The qualitative data is detailed and wide-ranging and allows the investigator to understand the feeling, experiences, thoughts, and views of the respondents (Lee, 2000). The data entails the statements that are given by the participant with regard to the effect of the cultural backgrounds, as well as the views and experiences which the respondents express based on the study questions.

Word Count: 2400