



Select a country and describe its political history and current political regime. Focus on a recent political crisis or a significant political event and explain its relevance for the political life of the country. In so doing use the theory you have learnt in class about political parties, political participation, policy, political culture, and other areas of politics. Compare the way that country has faced that crisis with similar events in other countries having a comparable political regime.

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Most of the African nations subsisted as the colonies of Netherlands, France or the European Empire. Notably, Zimbabwe remains to be one of the nations that were ruled by Britain. For over nine decades the country has greatly suffered from the civil war as well as European exploitation. Luckily, Zimbabwe was able to proclaim its independence in 1980. Nevertheless, it remains clear that the new dictatorial era did not refine the countries financial situation.  On the other hand, President Robert Mugabe is one of the world leaders known for his affection for socialistic ideas as well as government-dictated economy. It is clear that under Mugabe’s government the country currency has become one of the weakest (Tendi, 2010).

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