Draw Database Diagram Erd Using Vertabelo Visio Mysql Workbench Garden Glory Database Sch Q37185211


Draw a database diagram (ERD) using Vertabelo, Visio, or MySQLWorkbench for the Garden Glory database schema described below. UseCrow’s feetnotation.

OWNER (OwnerID, OwnerName, OwnerEmail,OwnerType)

OWNED_PROPERTY (PropertyID, PropertyName,PropertyType, Street, City, State, Zip, OwnerID)

GG_SERVICE (ServiceID, ServiceDescription,CostPerHour)

EMPLOYEE (EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName,CellPhone, ExperienceLevel)

PROPERTY_SERVICE (PropertyServiceID,PropertyID, ServiceID, ServiceDate, EmployeeID, HoursWorked) [Thistable uses a surrogate key instead of composite key]

The referential integrity constraints are: OwnerID inOWNED_PROPERTY must exist as OwnerID in OWNER PropertyID inPROPERTY_SERVICE must exist as PropertyID in OWNED_PROPERTYServiceID in PROPERTY_SERVICE must exist as ServiceID in GG_SERVICEEmployeeID in PROPERTY_SERVICE must exist as EmployeeID inEMPLOYEE


Extend and modify the database diagram using Vertabelo, Visio,or MySQL Workbench to meet Garden Glory’s new


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