E Xercise 522 Unary Operator Said Idempotent Relations R F F R F R Applying Applying Foll Q37109739

! E xercise 5.2.2: A unary operator / is said to be idempotentif for all relations
R, f( f{ R ) ) β€” f{R)- That is, applying / more than once is thesame as applying
it once. Which of the following operators are idempotent? Eitherexplain why
or give a counterexample.
a) 6; b) irL; c ) ac ; d) j L; e) r.


e relattn has no duplicates. ii yield the same relation and So 1t 1s dempo te nt * The result ot mLis a relation over the lis

γ‚­κΈ” the aggregated attribute is given a different rforminq the qroup and aggreqation again would only qive the qroupinq attibu



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