E Zybooks Librarysit 511 Object Oriented Application Develooment Home 6 1 Else Testing Use Q37113133

E zyBooks My librarysIT 511 Object Oriented Application Develooment home>6 1:If else Testing with userAge-18 Your output 19 o

E zyBooks My librarysIT 511 Object Oriented Application Develooment home>6 1:If else Testing with userAge-18 Your output 19 or mora Testing with userAge 19 Your output 18 or nore Feedback? CHALLENGE ACTIMTY 5.1.3: Dasic if else Write an if-else staterrment for the following: If user Tickcts is less than 5, exccute numTickets-1. Elsc, execute num Tickcts Ex it userl ickets is 3, then num ickets 1 useTickets nt userTiceets – 3 6 Your solution poes hereA Systen.out.rintinENuNTickets)p return


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