Explore Wumpus World Step Step Using Propositional Logic Agent Gets Gold Write Already Kno Q37109336

Explore Wumpus World step by step by using propositional logicuntil the agent gets gold. Write already known facts in theknowledge base and combine these facts with the current percepts todecide the status of adjacent room (i.e. either safe for movementor not).

  1. Transform the knowledge into CNF form and apply ResolutionAlgorithm to infer the status of rooms.
  2. Transform the knowledge Base into Horn clause Apply forwardchaining to infer the status of rooms

Breeze 4 PIT Breeze Breeze PIT Stench > Gold ンBreeze Stench 2 Breeze Breeze PIT START 2 4

Breeze 4 PIT Breeze Breeze PIT Stench > Gold ンBreeze Stench


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