Express F 425 Hypothetical 8 Bit Floating Point Format Following Principles Ieee 754 Stand Q37093173

Express f = 4.25 in a hypothetical 8-bit floating-point formatfollowing the principles of the IEEE 754 standard. Suppose we have1 bit for the sign, 4 bits for the exponent, and 3 bits for thefraction.


ExponRnt - Autua, Expon ene=D OLHLL ittins in to be Hounol«of fo 3 bits Exponen- 1. 거0unded ,8o,.it

ExponRnt ‘- Autua, Expon ene=D OLHLL ittins in to be Hounol«of fo 3 bits Exponen- 1. 거0unded ,8o,.it

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