Following Languages Describe 2 Pda Recognizes 2 Pda Pda 2 Stacks Compared Regular Pda Eve Q37196878

For each of the following languages, describe a 2-PDA thatrecognizes it. A 2-PDA is a PDA with 2 stacks. Compared to aregular PDA, every move of the 2-PDA may involve one extra input -popping from the second stack – as well as one extra output -pushing onto the second stack.

Use the format and level of detail of the description of M1 atthe top of page 167. (You do not need to include a state diagramfor your 2-PDA.) Your solution should not appeal to the fact that a2-PDA can be used to simulate a Turing Machine. (i.e. you can’tjust say “have


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