Genres Quentin Tarantino Directed Produce Title Type Year Genre Shows Quentin Tarantino Di Q37266997

What genres has Quentin Tarantino directed? Produce the title,type, year and genre for shows where Quentin Tarantino was thedirector. Format Title as 30 characters wide and genre as 20characters wide. Order by Year. Hint: title_directors hasinformation about which people directed which shows. title_genreshas information about what genres (up to 3) a particular showbelongs to. Correct results will have 63 rows formatted as: TitleType Year Genre —————————— ———————– ——————– Untitled Star Trek Project movieNULL Action Untitled Star Trek Project movie NULL AdventureUntitled Star Trek Project movie NULL Sci-Fi Love Birds in Bondageshort 1983 Comedy Love Birds in Bondage short 1983 Drama


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