Given Following Relation Person Lastname Firstname Eyecolor Height Weight Sibling Pet Heig Q37037037

  1. Given the following relation:

PERSON (LastName, FirstName, EyeColor,Height, Weight, Sibling, Pet)

Where Height is in inches and Weightis in pounds.

Sibling consists of three fields:Relationship (i.e. brother, sister), FirstName, LastName

Pet consists of two fields: Type andName (i.e. Dog, Fido)

Assume the following functionaldependencies exist:

(LastName, FirstName) –>–>Sibling

(LastName, FirstName) –> –>Pet

(LastName, FirstName) -> (EyeColor,Height, Weight)

  1. Assume the following:

Harry Smith has 2 siblings and 2pets,

Susan Jones has 1 sibling and 2pets,

John Peters has no siblings and 1pets,

Anne Baker has 2 siblings and nopets,

Jamie White has no siblings and nopets.

Create a sample table


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