Graph G K Connected K Vertex Independent Paths U V Pair Vertices B G K C G K D None Pr Q37134578

  1. A graph G is k-connected if. . . A. There are kvertex-independent paths between any (u, v) pair of vertices. B.κ(G) ≥ k C. λ(G) ≥ k D. None of the previous.


A graph G isk-connected if. .

Answer: (B) κ(G) ≥ k

and (A) There are k vertex-independent paths between any(u, v) pair of vertices.


A Graph is called k-connected graph ifκ(G) ≥ k that is the vertex connectivity κ(G) ofgraph is ≥ k.

According to Menger’s Theorem, A graphis called k-connected graph if and only if there are knumber of vertex-independent paths between any (u, v) pair


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