Hello Assignment Must Completed C Using Visual Studio 2017 Rate Submission Given Thanks Ad Q37272120

Hello, this assignment must be completed in C++ using VisualStudio 2017. Will rate submission after given, thanks inadvance!

For this assignment, use this project UnitTestingTask and thenwrite Unit tests for them in Visual Studio 2017.

UnitTestingTask.cpp has four methods. Check the comments tolearn about the methods.

Your task for this assignment will be writing unit tests for thefollowing four methods.
Write at least two different unit tests foreach of the first three methods.
Write at least four different unit tests for thelast method.

int getFactorial(int val); (20 points)
int subArraySum(int a[], int n, int start); (20points)
int check_anagram(char a[], char b[]); (20points)
int getStrongNess(string& input); (40points)

Code begins below:


#ifndef FUNCTION_H


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