Hello Data Structures Class Learned Queue Priority Queue Followed Example Geeksforgeeks Le Q37117322

Hello, on my data structures class we just learned about Queueand Priority Queue. I followed this example from GeeksforGeeks, tolearn the basic implementation. Now netbeans is telling me thatqueue doesn’t take parameters. Which yes I read about it. So howcan I fix and run this following code:? I am just trying tofigiuure out how to fix this issue, please help and thanks inadvance.

P Printa java PQueue.java Start Page QueueArrayTest.java x package queueIntro; 7 8 import java.uti1.*; 9 10 *@author andre 13

Source History 36 37 38 39 rintln (itr.nextO) System //removing the top priority element for head) and printing the modified



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