Help Get Comment Assignment Please Help Fixed Please Ask User Enter Cents Amount Due Recei Q37178820

HELP ( i get these comment for this assignment please help me tofixed Please do not ask user to enter cents.  Amount dueand received should be in dollars such as 2.35and 5.)

Business P2.8Giving change. Implement a program that directs acashier how to give change. The program has two inputs: the amountdue and the amount received from the customer. Display the dollars,quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies that the customer shouldreceive in return.

#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){int cents=0, dollars=0, quarters=0, dimes=0, nickels=0, pennies=0;int due, received;cout << “Enter amount due(in cents): “;cin >> due;cout << “Enter amount received(in cents): “;cin >> received;cents = received


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