Hw651 Using Maps Implement Public Final Class Named Wordcounter Wordcounter Provide Single Q37217875

HW65.1. Using Maps Implement a public final class named WordCounter. WordCounter should provide a single static method countw

HW65.1. Using Maps Implement a public final class named WordCounter. WordCounter should provide a single static method countwords, which takes a string and returns a Map from strings to Integers. Each entry in the map should have a value (Integer) representing how many times that key (String) appeared in the string that was passed to countWords. For example MapcString, Integer> counts WordCounter.countwords(“CS 125 is awesome”) System.out.println(counts.get(“CS”)); 7/ prints 1 System.out.println(counts.get(“125”) 7/ prints1 System.out.println(counts.get(“225”)); // prints null counts-WordCounter.counthords(“CS 125 is


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