Imagine a fictitious Internet provider that keeps the following”anonymized” data about each of their customers and the servicesthey purchase. The data is anonymous, as many modern data sets are,to allow the data to be processed with fewer privacy concerns.
FieldData TypeCustomer IDstringStreamingMoviesintStreamingTVintMultipleLinesintMonthlyChargesdouble
The fields are formatted as follows:
Customer ID takes the formatone letter A-Z followed by 3 numbers 0-9. For example, A123, B777,C817 are all valid Customer IDs. Be sure to validate thisin the input.
StreamingMovies, StreamingTVand MultipleLines are boolean values representedby 0 (false) or 1 (true). For example, if the customer record has’1′ for a StreamingMovies value, it means the customer subscribesto