Investigate Following Schemas Relational Database Busroutes Routeid Integer Departurecity Q37146131

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Investigate the following schemas in a Relational Database: BusRoutes(routeid: integer departurecity: string, arrivalcity: stInvestigate the following schemas in a Relational Database: BusRoutes(routeid: integer departurecity: string, arrivalcity: string, distance: integer, departuredate: time, arrivaldate: time) Bus(busid:integer busname: string, bustype:string, busdistance: integer) Drives driverid: integer husid integert) Drivers(driverid: integer name: string, salary: integer) The underlined attributes are primary keys on that relation The Drives relationship stores the information of which driver can drive (is eligible to drive) which bus Write the Relational Algebra statements (queries) that are going to give the answers to the


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