Itcs 2530 Project Write Interactive Program Performs Fractional Calculations Need Define C Q37074620

ITCS-2530   Project                      

Write an interactive program that performs fractionalcalculations. You need define a class CFrac for a fractional numberaccording to the UML diagram below:


– numerator : int

– denominator : int

– simplify () : void

+ CFrac (int = 0, int = 1)

+ ~CFrac()

+ add (const CFrac&) const : CFrac

+ subtract (const CFrac&) const : CFrac

+ multiply (const CFrac&) const : CFrac

+ divide (const CFrac&) const : CFrac

+ showFrac () const : void

+ setFrac () : void

Where the arithmetic functions perform the correspondingarithmetic calculations on the current object and the parameterobject, and return the result. The subtract function shouldsubtract the parameter object from


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