Language C Part Create Print Two Arrays Sure First Allowed Hard Code Arrays Program Also P Q37254483

the language is C++

Part I:

Create and print out the two arrays: (Be sureto do this first) You are allowed to hard code these arrays intoyour program. You can also put the data into a file and read theinformation into the program. The data is as follows:

Anne            150

         Bob             250

         Ralph           305

         Tim             250

         Barbara         85

         Jane            160

         Steve           180

         Tom            210

         Mike            165

         Shirley         155

         Pam            125

         Frank           130

Part II: The elevators in our building have an1100 lb. load limit. Determine which people in the list above geton the elevator. Print their names, weights, total weight, and howmany got on.


Part III: Rearrange these people inasscending sequence by weight and printthe two arrays. Determine again how many may ride theelevator, printing out their


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