Linux Login Itadmin Create File Executing Following Command Date Lab Linuxsrvlog Use Addus Q37237041

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Create a file by executing the following command:

date >> LAB-linuxsrv.log

Use adduser to add 5 users to your Linux VM. Give them thefollowing usernames:






Set all 5 initial user passwords to cisc0SanFrancisc0 – (thoseare zeros, not letters)

Do a desktop login for each of the 5 users just created

su to root and do an ls -la /home/* and append the output to thelab logfile.

Put a timestamp in your logfile with: date >>LAB-linuxsrv.log

(adjust the path to the logfile as needed throughout thelab)

Append the contents of your /etc/passwd file to the lablogfile

Append the contents of your /etc/shadow file to the lablogfile

Delete the


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