Many Companies Pay Time Half 15x Hours Worked 40 Hours Given Weck Write Function Called W Q37040653

I. Many companies pay time-and-a-half (1.5x) for any hours worked above 40 hours in a given weck. Write a function (called wa

I. Many companies pay time-and-a-half (1.5x) for any hours worked above 40 hours in a given weck. Write a function (called wages) that accepts the numbcr of hours worked in a weck and an hourly rate as inputs and returns the total wages for the week as output 2. A professor gives 100-point exams that are graded on the scale 90-100:A, 80-89:B. 70-79.C, 60- 69 D. 60:F. Write a function (called exam) that accepts an


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