Microsoft Sql Server Management Studio Question 16 575 Points Following Limitation Old Way Q37298543

Microsoft SQL Server ManagementStudio

Question 16 (5.75points)

Which of the following is a limitation of the “old way” of doingerror handling
Select all that are true

Question 16 options:

It is slower

Not capable of trapping all errors

It is deprecated

Unstructured approach

Question 17 (5.75points)

MS SQL Server supports a JOIN in a DELETE statement

Question 17 options:



Question 18 (5.75points)

Given a stored proc named dbo.FindCustomerByName with a varcharparameter, we invoke it with which statement

Question 18 options:

INVOKE dbo.FindCustomerByName ‘Bob’

START dbo.FindCustomerByName ‘Bob’

RUN dbo.FindCustomerByName ‘Bob’

EXEC dbo.FindCustomerByName ‘Bob’

Question 19 (5.75points)

When we must remove all the rows from a table and maintain thetable structure, the most efficient way is

Question 19


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