Need Help Writing Code Java Game Task Write Simple Role Playing Game Called Javaquest Impl Q37167502

I need help writing this code in java for a game.

Your task will be write a very simple role-playing game calledJavaQuest! The implementation of this

game will mostly be up to you, as long as the minimumrequirements are met and the gameplay is the

same as described/demonstrated.

Description of Gameplay: At the opening of the game, the userchooses one of four character roles to

play (Knight, Healer, Wizard, or Thief). All characters startwith 10 Health points and a Score of 0. Each

character also has a special move, as follows:

 Knight – “Slash with Sword”

 Healer – “Use Sleeping Powder”

 Wizard – “Cast a Spell”


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