Neural Network Given Adopts Rectified Linear Unit Relu Activation Function G X Max X 0 Cos Q37023301

The neural network given below adopts Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) as its activation function: g (x) max(x, 0), and its costsolveit by hand

The neural network given below adopts Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) as its activation function: g (x) max(x, 0), and its cost function is defined as/(9)-Σ-11 (4P-yi) X1 X2 0.9 Inpauts: We consider asgedata sample01and the corrsponding label y Problem: Use the training data to develop the neural network model and solve it by using gradient descent algorithm. Find the values of Θ(2) Θ(3), and cost function J in the first iteration. Show all calculation steps.


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